29 September - 4 October
Motored to Zeebrugge – wind on the nose and drizzle turning to rain by the time we arrived. Brightened up after lunch. Very long walk (nearly an hour) to train station and discovered no trains at weekend. Zeebrugge a dump and we decided to go on next morning.
Next day we had sunshine and a light west wind so we part sailed and part motored to Ostende and moored near the entrance. On our return from a walk around Ostende we found the boat bouncing around very badly (fenders nearly popping out). Decided we would be better in the marina the other side of the lock – we phoned them up, obtained a berth and moved – very quiet and closer to the station.
Day out to Antwerp by train. Had a walk around historic part for an hour, in the pouring rain. Caught tram to South Antwerp to visit Jim's aunt, Sister Camille. She was delighted to see us, introduced us to all the nuns and showed us around the care home. They gave us afternoon tea when we arrived, and an early supper before we left.
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